tisdag 18 juni 2013

Vayne Champion Guide

Start with: Boots and 4 health pots 

Then buy (in order): Bilgewater Cutglass, Zeal, Bilgewater Cutglass --> Blade of the Ruined King, Zeal --> Phantom Dancer, B. F. sword ---> Infinity Edge. 

If you're havin a hard lane buy Doran's Blade, Vampire Scepter, and continue with the build. 
Purshase boots when you need them: Berserker's Greaves. 

Finish with two of these: Bloodthirster, Last Whisper (if against tanky team), Guardian Angel, Mercurial Scimitar (if against heavy AP or/and champions with lots of CC). 

Begin with your Q, then, depending on what you need, pick E or W. Max your Q first, then your W, and finally your E. You should of course always upgrade your ultimate whenever it's possible. 

Let your team engage, and when it's the right time, engage and focus the damage dealer in the enemy team. Activate your ultimate and try not to get caught. Remember, if you use your Q when you have activated your ultimate, you will get invisible for a short moment. Take advantage of that by juking, and not getting caught. 

If you have any ideas of improvements on this build (or just anything you would like to say), feel free to comment down below!

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