lördag 10 augusti 2013

Top Fails - Day 186 (VIDEO)

Go watch it here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fzAnQpf02L4

fredag 9 augusti 2013

Champion and Skin Sale: 8/09 - 8/12

Champions on sale: 

Ahri (487 RP) 

Leona (440 RP)

Lux (395 RP).

Skins on sale: 

Sabretusk Sejuani (487 RP)

Cowgirl Miss Fortune (375 RP)

Commando Lux (260 RP). 

Top Fails - Day 185 (VIDEO)

Go watch it here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MhOU8KDxqCY

onsdag 7 augusti 2013

New Free Champion Rotation: Week 27

This weeks free champions are: Anivia, Cho'Gath, Jax, Taric, Mordekaiser, Garen, Urgot, Caitlyn, Lulu, and Lissandra. 

söndag 14 juli 2013